Monday, March 2, 2009

And Yet Another Snow Day...

Yes, you are seeing correctly that is Mommy's Purdue scarf and Tigger hat that was used A LOT in college. It just goes to show how much she uses it here. :)

We finally got some good, wet, packing snow so that Mommy could spend an hour making up a very skinny snowman. Oh well, what do you expect when there is no help to be had? So where was my helper?

That's right, she was inside staying toasty warm. Daddy decided to be the one person in town who actually went to work today, so it was just us girls in our undertaking. To give some props to the girlie, she did last about 15 minutes and tried to shovel some snow into her bucket, then decided better of it and went inside. So the guess is that she probably is the smarter one around here. :) Tomorrow is a big day and hopefully we'll be able to celebrate at school with a fun party!!

They told us 8+ but it's probably more like 2-3 inches. You can see my paths through the yard to make my snowman. Oh well, there's always next year.


Lindsay said...

That's love mom!
The girls wouldn't go sledding:( They were intimidated by all the big kids.

And Happy Happy Birthday to Emma Lou, a day early:)

Anonymous said...

you got more snow!! heehee!! i totally remember that hat!