Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Our Baby Girl turns five today! Five. Looking at this picture of the day she was born, it is so amazing that she has come so far, so fast. I can remember praying and praying for her to live, and I am very thankful that the Lord blessed us and allowed her to stay with us.
This morning while I was getting Emma ready for school, I had to stop to sing "Happy Birthday". I asked her who's birthday was today, in which she replied, "Emma birthday!".
Thank you, Lord, for giving us this sweet girl. Thank you that we have been blessed with five of the craziest yet wonderful years! I know that You are the Giver of Life, and You chose to give us this precious girl. Thank you for the challenges! Thank you for the joy! Thank you for Emma!


Sarabei said...

Happy Birthday Emma!!

dburrow said...

Happy Birthday Emma and praise God for you!