Monday, February 1, 2010

Snowed In

The tee - you had to putt the ball over both pillows and under the chair to hit Mickey which was on the other side.

After you hit Mickey, you had to putt the ball under the bridge

Then you had to hit the cat and then get the ball into the gator. Good luck!

Sunday morning it was too cold to go outside to play in the snow, so we just bunkered down and had fun indoors. Emma received a little golf game for Christmas called Gator Golf. The point of the game is to putt the ball into the gator's mouth, and he flips it back at you w/ his tail. Well, that's all good but let's get a little bit more creative. So we set up our own little putt putt course in the house. Daddy and Mommy took turns setting up a different "green" to try to get par. The first two we tried weren't too difficult, but the last set up was a lot more challenging. The lowest we could get was an eight! Emma just enjoyed trying each task. What a blast!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a great time!!! looks like a lot of part - "hit the cat"!!