Today is my Love's 30th birthday! What do you say to a man who has seen you at your worst and your best? Who has been through valley after valley w/ you only to continue to be standing beside you when we finally reached the peak? What do you say to a man who looks at his daughter with the love and affection as though she were perfect? What do you say to a man who loves me unconditionally? What do you say to a man who has laughed, cried and done both at the same time w/ me? Who crawled into the uncomfortable hospital bed to hold me while we both cried and slept as our daughter fought for her life just a floor below us? What do you say to a man who I am still excited that I get to spend my life with? What do you say?
Happy Birthday, Nathan! I love you!!!! And your girlie does, too!!!
Welcome to the club, Old Man! :-P