Thursday, March 13, 2008

Have a Mickey Birthday!

It would be a long story to explain how this was the most stress-free birthday party I've had for the girlie so far, but it was. The girls all seemed to have a good time, and it was so fantastic to watch the girlie participate in the games and play with her friends and just be well...normal.

If you can't tell by the pictures, she had a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse birthday party. Boy did the house look like a clubhouse from Mickey and all his friends on the wall, to the Handy Helpers, and there were also streamers and balloons hanging everywhere!! Thanks to all our friends for making it a special day!

The highlight for me: watching the girlie BLOW out her candles. If you don't understand, that's okay just ask and I'll tell you!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

It was such a joy to watch Emma have so much fun at her party. What a blessing to celebrate 3 years the Lord has given this precious child! She's full of HOPE!